Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The SQL Agent service is not running. This operation requires the SQL Agent service. (rsSchedulerNotResponding) - SharePoint 2010

My issue of an expired SSRS server has struck me once again!  In a previous post I discussed some of my perils in inadvertently using a trial mode SQL reporting server.  I thought I had bailed out of all of my issues, but I recently encountered another hurdle.  This time, when attempting to create a shared schedule for subscribed reports, I received the error message "The SQL Agent service is not running. This operation requires the SQL Agent service. (rsSchedulerNotResponding)".

A little bit of research uncovered yet another process\service that I needed to start, but forgot to.  In this case, the issue was solved by simply starting the "SQL Server Agent" service on my reporting server (not on the SharePoint Web Front End's).  Once I did so, I went back to the shared schedule setup page, clicked OK, and all worked as expected!

Anyway, just wanted to offer that tip for anyone else who ran into the issue, it's not the most descriptive error out there, and it took me a few minutes of research in discussion boards before I found the solution.

Happy Reporting!

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